Building A smarter grid

The Edge Zero solution

Edge Zero technology enables the most efficient and reliable use of existing network capacity.

Improved operations management

Real-time reporting operations and remote control

Improved grid planning

Lower costs to operate on existing energy capacity without building new networks

Improved DER integration

Enables new network use models and predictive maintenance

The edge of grid visibility challenge

Our unique selling point

A combined software and hardware solution delivering out of the box, real time, circuit level network data and analytics.

Edge Zero’s real time, circuit level data is key for improved operational performance, grid planning and live DER control.

The edge hardware

Low voltage grid monitors

Our low-cost transformer and grid monitors enable new network use models while providing live data to Edge cloud services across 4G or other secure comms network.

The edge software

Cloud solutions

Our encrypted cloud platform delivers live grid monitoring, operational analytics , GIS integration, DERMs signaling and load forecasting to enhance your network data environment.

Improved network planning
and DER integration

Edge Zero live data analytics enables targeted investment to improve forecasting of future reliability and grid planning.

Edge software improves grid reliability and energy security through the dynamic control of distributed customer solar, battery and electric vehicle charging assets based on real time analysis of localised LV network capacity and power quality constraints.

Improved cost management

Electricity networks currently have no real time visibility of asset operations, power quality and system constraints on the LV network.

Edge Zero’s proprietary network monitoring and control platform delivers strong ROI for network operators through targeted, data driven operating efficiencies and reduced asset management costs.

Making the future better
for everyone

Edge network monitoring software enables the low-cost implementation of tariffs for customers based on their location on the grid.

Edge Zero adds real monitoring of critical network infrastructure to periodic data from customers’ smart meters. In networks with limited smart meter coverage, Edge monitoring provides a lower cost alternative to universal smart meter implementation.

Contact us

Start your smarter grid
solution today



Edge Zero is an Australia-based energy technology company with a global engineering and software development team. We are scaling proprietary, cloud-based grid monitoring platforms that provide real-time visibility of the low voltage (LV) electricity grid through a network of transformer monitoring devices.