Is your low voltage network ready for Net Zero?

More solar PV?
More EV charging?
More grid reliability challenges?

Get Edge Zero end to end, real time network visibility

The problem

The low voltage network was not designed for today’s technologies

  • No visibility on last mile network operations and assets
  • AMI meters do not supply low cost, real time, asset level network data
  • Aging infrastructure and network design is not fit for purpose
  • Low voltage network is unable to integrate mass adoption of solar PV and EV
  • Increasing peak usage is causing reliability and safety issues 


Are you making informed

  • Do you know where you have limited capacity?
  • Are you operating within compliance standards?
  • Are your existing reporting systems meeting your needs? 
  • Is grid reliability becoming more challenging at the edge of grid?
  • Do you have the tools and data required to build business cases for grid augmentation?
  • Do you have a strategy for improving your operational expenditure?

Asset management & DER Integration

Real time data drives long term benefits

  • Real time power quality data supports targeted predictive maintenance and asset management cost reduction
  • Real time asset level data supports least cost network planning 
  • Real time, asset level hosting capacity analysis drives dynamic operation and control of solar and EV
  • Real time capacity and energy market data drives least cost customer demand management and time of use network tariffs

our partners

Edge Zero smart grid programs supported by our live network monitoring

Future Proofing the Electricity Grid

Rooftop Solar

Analyse and manage the impact of rooftop solar on power quality and network grid capacity.

Battery and EV solutions

Manage growing load from electric vehicles and customer storage based on network capacity monitoring at a localised level.

Virtual power plants

Coordinate real time localised network capacity and power quality to enable efficient low risk Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) operations.

Improved customer experience

Enable automated network capacity analysis to accelerate new customer connections.

Contact us

Start your smarter grid
solution today



Edge Zero is an Australia-based energy technology company with a global engineering and software development team. We are scaling proprietary, cloud-based grid monitoring platforms that provide real-time visibility of the low voltage (LV) electricity grid through a network of transformer monitoring devices.