Ev charging

Dynamic EV Charging Trials

What’s been done

A residential electric vehicle (EV) managed charging trial to evaluate dynamic market tariffs, evaluate customer engagement and willingness to participate in dynamic charge control programs.

This trial aimed to be transparent and open with customer engagement across all networks with a single digital interface and communications platform.

Edge Zero enabled the program through deployment of LV monitoring on the street of participants to deliver real time power quality and network capacity and LV circuit load profile information through to participating DNSP’s. These data streams where the base source of modelling real time (5 min) dynamic operating envelopes for participating EV charger controllers.

The DNSP’s were able to monitor the impact of these EVs on their networks and then take the lead role in efficiently managing the charge times of the vehicles.



The project partners were able to use the data and learnings collected to assess the impact of EVs on electricity networks and gauge the willingness of consumers to have their EV charging managed.

These learnings are critical to allowing networks to better plan for increased numbers of EVs, both at lower costs and higher levels of convenience for consumers.

5 Minute market aligned LV circuit profile data enabled a responsive dynamic operating envelope environment for calculation of changing EV charging activity for single point data source.



  • Scalable dynamic operating envelope environment
  • ToU tariff structures proven for EV charge controllers
  • Improved data quality, consistency of data delivery
  • Improved threshold setting of LV circuit utilisation
  • Maximisation of LV circuit utilisation


Edge Zero is an Australia-based energy technology company with a global engineering and software development team. We are scaling proprietary, cloud-based grid monitoring platforms that provide real-time visibility of the low voltage (LV) electricity grid through a network of transformer monitoring devices.