Business Case Development

LV monitoring improves quality of supply and reduces operating costs

Location:           South Australia

Reference:        SA Power Networks 



  • Record level residential PV adoption causing fault, voltage and power quality issues across LV network
  • Increased customer connection issues, inverter constraint
  • Existing portable, temporary power quality monitoring has high operating cost structure and not scalable


  • Edge Zero monitoring provides real time circuit and transformer level monitoring and power quality data
  • Regulatory submission shows Edge permanent, durable monitors have lower opex and higher NPV than previous portable monitoring solution
  • Edge Zero asset level data supports SA Power Networks innovative solar soak tariff and DERMs program


  • Commercial rollout program for over 2,500 monitors in Adelaide, major regional population centres and remote interconnection points
  • Regulator approved positive NPV analysis for Edge program based on opex savings


Edge Zero Advantage

  • Accurate, real time power quality data and asset level
  • Simple, live installation
  • Durable, zero maintenance, 15 years asset life
  • High level of Edge engineering engagement during pilot and tailored solution for network operator needs


Edge Zero is an Australia-based energy technology company with a global engineering and software development team. We are scaling proprietary, cloud-based grid monitoring platforms that provide real-time visibility of the low voltage (LV) electricity grid through a network of transformer monitoring devices.